Thursday, June 2, 2011

letter r in graffiti

letter r in graffiti. ALPHABET GRAFFITI : LETTER Q,R

  • Fraaaa
    Apr 21, 02:16 PM
    Not enough to justify the non-inclusion of LTE/4G.

    Two years from now, you'll be wishing you had faster access to streaming content (the mythical "cloud") than a bit more processing power to play a game that was designed to be playable on the iPhone 4 anyway.

    I justified in my post why LTE/4G is not good for the next revision. Make an argument against that statement.

    Beside, two years from now I'll be wishing nothing. 3G is good enough for browsing and I get WiFi in my house, at work and university. Two years from now, is two iPhone revisions. Most people don't even use SmartPhones, nor they care and the iPhone has the highest reselling value in hardware. So what should I be wishing for?

    letter r in graffiti. Graffiti Letter R - Painting
  • Graffiti Letter R - Painting

  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 14, 01:16 PM
    Page 2?

    letter r in graffiti. the letter r in graffiti.
  • the letter r in graffiti.

  • sososowhat
    Nov 21, 04:12 PM
    I want to charge my MacBook from a campfire! Seriously, this is a very cool idea (please forgive the pun).

    Brown also sees the chips ultimately replacing batteries altogether. He argues that by linking the modules to a microburner - a catalytic burner that produces between 275 and 600 degrees centigrade – you can heat the chips and generate enough power to run the device.

    letter r in graffiti. letter r in graffiti.
  • letter r in graffiti.

  • -SD-
    Jun 14, 07:48 PM
    Kinect is more for the kids. They really enjoy Wii Sports so if there's an alternative (or blatant clone) with decent graphics for Move or Kinect, they'll be happy. It'll be interesting what 'Family' type games are released for both the new motion sensing systems. If you're going to wildly flail around the livingroom, you may as well do it in HD.

    I personally just want a shiny black 360 to put under the livingroom telly. King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match (and maybe '02 UM?), Mark of the Wolves and both Virtual-ON Oratario Tangram and Force. Just need Hori to do another run of Twin Sticks...



    letter r in graffiti. Fire Effect Graffiti Letter “A
  • Fire Effect Graffiti Letter “A

  • blondepianist
    Apr 5, 09:12 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Capacitive home button sounds believable as apple has gone away with buttons on the MacBooks trackpad. Apple likes touch, not clicking. Lol

    The button on the MacBook trackpad is still a physical button; it's just that the entire trackpad clicks, rather than a small area at the bottom.

    letter r in graffiti. letter r in graffiti.
  • letter r in graffiti.

  • crisss1205
    Apr 12, 05:42 PM
    Will all the resellers buying all the AT&T versions I call BS on those stats.

    Go to a store and I guarantee you can't buy an at&t model, but vzw are in stock everywhere.

    There is NO way Vzw is outselling AT&T version, NO way, it's impossible.

    My guess is maybe people in the mid-west would PREFER vzw, but they'll never buy one anyway...

    I agree, I waited on line on launch day. The first iPads to be sold out were the AT&T models, then WiFi, then Verizon.


    letter r in graffiti. letter r graffiti style.
  • letter r graffiti style.

  • iGary
    Sep 14, 08:42 PM
    If I'm awake...OMG!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

    letter r in graffiti. graffiti-letter-r.jpg
  • graffiti-letter-r.jpg

  • nbs2
    Oct 9, 06:47 PM
    I'm getting really sick of companies that complain whenever they're met with competition. They love capitalism until it's working against them. Target and Wal*Mart are acting like little children who don't get their way.

    Under the Sherman Act, what Target and Wal*Mart are doing falls under the category of antitrust. Attempting to manipulate the market through the use of contracts and threats aimed towards hurting competitors is defined as antitrust. If Target and Wal*Mart go along with this, a class-action lawsuit can be filed against them for forcing us to pay their prices for DVDs without a lower-priced alternative.
    Since people seem to have missed my earlier point when the claim was the failure of the free market:

    this is the market in play. This appears to be a business dispute, not governmental involvement. The free market requires communication between businesses to maximize profits.

    As for the Sherman, the Act was designed to protect consumers from the leveraging of monopoly power to conspire to control a market. Here, there is no conspiracy to control the market. Rather, there is a complaint by one business entity regarding the activities of another with which it does business. If Target and Wal-mart were conspiring to split the market (or if the industry conspired with T and WM), that would trigger the Sherman.

    Grow up local mom and pop store. This isn't a communist nation, we have a little something called Capitalism that's basically social darwinism: Compete or shut up.[emphasis added]


    letter r in graffiti. The letter R - Graffiti by
  • The letter R - Graffiti by

  • schatten
    Oct 28, 01:38 AM
    I'm a Gmail fan.. woot. 2.7+GB

    So much for free .Mac in '07. ON TO .Mac '08!

    You can get .Mac for free right now!. All you have to do is work at (or know someone who works at) an Authorized Apple Reseller (eg: Micro Center, Circuit City, etc) they have access to the Apple Sales Training website. If you (or they) complete the .Mac training course, you get a year of .Mac (full version) for free! I've never paid for .Mac & never will.

    letter r in graffiti. graffiti alphabets r,free
  • graffiti alphabets r,free

  • MacBytes
    Oct 8, 03:41 PM (

    Category: Apple Hardware
    Link: Apple iPhone: Not Safe For Work? (
    Description:: Interesting tale revealing why it is misguided to suggest that the iPhone is NSFW on data security grounds.

    Posted on (
    Approved by Mudbug


    letter r in graffiti. letter r in graffiti.
  • letter r in graffiti.

  • CaoCao
    Apr 9, 04:21 AM
    Source for the quote?

    Abby Johnson (

    letter r in graffiti. graffiti alphabets r,free
  • graffiti alphabets r,free

  • deefnasty
    Apr 13, 07:50 AM
    Just checked into an Apple Store in Salem, NH - they have high end Verizon iPad 2 and they have had them regularly. Asians have been scooping up the stores other versions each morning in cash sales (or purchasing mall gift cards and Apple gift cards).

    They said consumer demand is much greater for AT&T (GSM) iPad 2 than Verizon.

    I'll wait for my wifi iPad 2 to arrive in the mail sometime next week.


    letter r in graffiti. letter r graffiti
  • letter r graffiti

  • robbieduncan
    Sep 25, 11:22 AM
    yes, by ME !

    Well then what was your question? That list is what you want: a list of all supported cameras. The 9500 is not supported.

    letter r in graffiti. Graffiti P Q R alphabet letter
  • Graffiti P Q R alphabet letter

  • IntelliUser
    Apr 8, 10:06 AM
    Oh I didn't realize they wanted to eliminate funding, I thought it was just an argument over reducing it.

    Not only that, but if they really just wanted to achieve a 2% spending cut, they wouldn't've had to include such a touchy program in the list. Seems to me like they don't care if the government shuts down, since they believe the Democrats will get the blame, so they either let the gov shut down or they force Democrats to accept their cuts. It's a win-win for them.


    letter r in graffiti. letter r graffiti letra D
  • letter r graffiti letra D

  • peharri
    Aug 15, 11:04 AM
    I don't think the Apple ads are elitist or snobish, however I do think the HP ads are very cool. By showing what the computer can do in a slick, sci-fiction way, the ads sell the HP computer in a way that the Mac vs. PC ads don't
    If Apple's seeing increasing market-share it because they're finally trying to sell the computer and it's this ad presence that is working. The commercials' content doesn't really work, but only die-hard geeks can really get fired up for these commercials.
    For Joe Sixpack, the commercials remind him that Mac exist, they're cool and they do neat stuff. And that's the good part.

    The bad part is some people think they're being insulted, and some of those people will matter when it's time to buy a computer.

    Apple should've gone the HP way, show how cool the computer is and stop mentioning the PC at all.

    However, during WWDC, take a shovel to Microsoft is so inclined, that's a time to stir the troops into a fury.

    Hear hear!

    Excellent examples of good advertising. Nothing about the HP ads insulted the target audience, stereotyped, or posted stuff the viewers knew was false (therefore ensuring distrust of the maker.)

    There's so much that's good about the Mac, and the current ads hide those positive traits in favour of defining the Mac in terms of the PC and generating hostility at the same time.

    I know a lot of PC users. I know geeks and non-geeks alike. I can't say I've met anyone who thought better of the Mac after watching the "I'm a Mac" ads, and I've met several that thought worse of it. And geeks are telling their families and friends, at the moment, that the ads are misleading, and Apple's reputation is suffering as a result.

    letter r in graffiti. letter r graffiti. january
  • letter r graffiti. january

  • kurono
    Mar 28, 04:59 PM
    Did anyone else notice the font used on the invitation is not Lucida Sans?

    Do you recognize it?


    letter r in graffiti. letter r in graffiti.
  • letter r in graffiti.

  • PinkyMacGodess
    Oct 11, 10:52 AM
    Why not just add phone capabilities to the iPad? Call it the Mega-Pad? Or the Maxi-Pad?

    Making more than one size phone for sale at the same time makes no sense. The only way that it would make sense is if the iPhone wasn't selling very well and Apple needed to 'pander to the masses' to build market share of they figured out a way to have a 'clam shell' design and maintain the operability of the interface.

    The problem with multiple sizes is that the cases would be numerous and retailers wouldn't want to carry them and the chances that a very small iPhone would use the same accessories (chargers, etc) is small...

    I think that Apple would be crazy to dilute their market by adding smaller and naturally less capable units. I already think that the new Nano will fail because it's 'sorta like a Touch, but not quite'.

    letter r in graffiti. Why do you write graffiti?
  • Why do you write graffiti?

  • MrSugar
    Sep 7, 12:58 AM
    I have now spent three hours of my life reading this site. It's hilarious, thanks for the link.

    letter r in graffiti. letter r graffiti.
  • letter r graffiti.

  • CylonGlitch
    Mar 25, 09:31 AM
    I would really like to read the patent. Yes, there are some very generic patents out there; some are upheld others are not. Going based on only what I have heard; a 1997 patent for a preview of a picture may not hold water. I say this only because there were video cameras at that time that had the preview screen (I owned one) and it could be argued that this is just an extension of that technology. Thus not a new invention or one that exists with prior art and thus making it invalid.

    BUT it depends a lot on the details of the patent. I've been through the litigation process over a generally generic patent. The patent itself was fine, but the lawsuit stretched the coverage of the idea. What happens, and I'm sure is what happened in this case, is that they hand over their patent portfolio to a company that specializes on suing companies for patent violations. The company gets a percentage of everything they win; but the general mode is to sue everyone and hope someone settles. Very often, these companies don't really know what the patent is, they just guess that you have something similar so it must be in violation so they sue. The company who is being sued can settle for much less; or fight it in court to determine if they actually did infringe, which could be just as expensive.

    It'll be interesting to see how this one turns out . . . I really need to get back to writing patents, there is big money involved there.

    Mar 26, 10:44 AM
    Instead of suing everyone, kodak needs to get on this retro kick and start selling kodachrome camera's and film again for cheap. Stop using digital, start developing.

    Did Kodak stop making film? Doesn't the niche film market already buy Kodak film.... and get cool cameras from Goodwill?

    That doesn't seem to be helping EK. I think they might need to innovate their way out of their slump. Suing, right or wrong (I don't pretend to understand), will not keep them afloat forever... especially when their patents expire.

    Speaking of that... let's see:
    a 20 yr patent granted in 1996, probably filed in 1995

    a lawsuit in 2011 that might take a bit of time if it isn't settled

    More lawsuits to come if they are successful.

    ...Kodak seems to be cutting this a little close.

    May 26, 02:00 PM
    Originally posted by markjs
    I poked around on a mac for about an hour today, and found that some things are less intuitive (minimizing and closing windows).

    ok so let me get this straight, youve been using a PC for a while right? and you go poke around on a mac for an hour and you say its less intuitive?

    this is silly, youve grown acustome to windows thats all, cant you see that? things feel different on the mac. yet you made your decision based on an hour of poking around on the mac? thats really not a fair comparision.

    havent you ever had a favorite application that you used all the time. then, you came across another app that did the same thing but differently and you hated it the first time you used it? yet after learning the new app you realized it was better?

    im shaking my head that you couldnt see that it was your comfort with windows that threw you off. but hey, the windows is just fine im sure, so no worries.

    May 2, 02:40 PM
    Off the top of my head:

    -Lack of Education
    -Resentment (Much of It Deserved) towards Western Nations
    -Religious Fanaticism (which generally correlates with a lack of education)

    If you've ever seen Charlie Wilson's war you might recall one part at the end of the movie. Wilson was able to convince congress/senate etc. to allocate hundreds of millions of dollars to support the Afghan's fight against the Russians. But at the end of all this Wilson attempted acquire a mere million dollars to build schools and promote education in Afghanistan, he wasn't able to get this funding.

    I believe Wilson's famous quote went something like:

    "We did a great thing, but we fcked up the end game"

    We live in a world where unfortunately violence is sometimes necessary. But violence doesn't "solve" problems, it can sometimes forestall a greater disaster. Unless you fortify violence with something positive (like education) you're simply opening the door to more (and often greater) violence in the future.

    Ill agree with you on Lack of Education and Religious Extremism. Resentment, somewhat. I tend to think that if we just leave them the heck alone to do whatever they want and be as Shariah as they please we will see less terror attempts.

    I know it is not apples-to-apples, but I was wondering if anyone has seen the National Geographic on North Korea? One part that struck my nerve was at the end when the doctors were removing the bandages from the patients eyes, one of the North Koreans first thing to do was go praise a poster of Ill and promise to "Destroy the american scum with my new eyes" or something like that, despite the fact that much of the equipment used to complete the surgeries was American made and American funded IIRC.

    Electro Funk
    Sep 19, 09:03 PM
    You can't boot XP from CD on a Mac. You can't you can't you can't. The Mac boots using EFI, which XP doesn't support.

    You need to use Boot Camp to install it, as legacy BIOS emulation has to be loaded specifically for XP.

    if i am not mistaken the bios emulator (or whatever allows xp and the new vista build to boot from BIOS) is in the last firmware update 1.0 or 1.1, cant remeber the number... you dont need boot camp to install xp or vista, but you do need BC if you want an easy way to create a drivers disc for windows...

    Sep 25, 11:05 AM
    S2 and S3 now supported. See the right sidebar on the raw page (

    Annoyingly for me no EOS 400D support as of yet. So I still can't use my RAW files. I'm sure it's coming though :(

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