Friday, June 3, 2011

co ed sungmin

co ed sungmin. He was the last to join CO-ED
  • He was the last to join CO-ED

  • -SD-
    Mar 25, 04:55 AM
    I had a go on Pilotwings earlier in the week at my local GAME. I have to say that the 3D effect is a quite strange. Once you're holding it in the perfect position with the depth slider set just below full, the 3D effect is quite impressive; it really did look like the plane was in front of the screen flying into it.

    I started off with the slider set to zero and increased the depth slowly. It felt really odd to begin with and looked blurry, but once you're concentrating on it then the 3D effect is quite apparent. However, I found that if I looked away for a second my eyes had to refocus which felt quite strange. This is going to be a problem with games where you're constantly having to change your focus between the two screens.

    Overall, my eyes felt strained after only 5 - 10 minutes of playing. I'd like to have a longer go to see if you get used to it, but at the moment I'm not impressed. If your eyes can cope with it, then the 3D effect is quite impressive and I'm sure you'll have loads of fun with it. I certainly wouldn't be letting kids under 10 near it even though Nintendo say 7+.


    co ed sungmin. Nickname: Solid Sungmin
  • Nickname: Solid Sungmin

  • AppleMc
    Mar 11, 11:42 AM
    Line is about 46 now at Stonebriar. Posting pics on twitter @dpedini

    Cookies are still calling my name must resist.

    Stop by say Hello


    If I come take cookie orders is someone going to save me a spot? :p;)

    co ed sungmin. Ed middot; # CoEd School middot; # Sungmin
  • Ed middot; # CoEd School middot; # Sungmin

  • e12a
    Nov 21, 06:23 PM
    Wow! what a great concept.

    Pretty much like some hybrid cars getting power from when they brake.

    The fact that it generates its own electricity, yes, but the same principle no. For light to normal braking the electric motor can act as a power generator, harnessing the kinetic energy of the moving wheels. Brake pads are not involved. Its called progressive braking. Brake pads come into play when you brake hard.

    too bad that's not really anything that laptops can do..unless we can attach a generator to the hard drive and use it to charge the battery when it spins down.

    it's an interesting concept to use heat..i wonder how they will do it. No steam engine here.

    co ed sungmin. Ed middot; # CoEd School middot; # Sungmin
  • Ed middot; # CoEd School middot; # Sungmin

  • realtwang
    Apr 20, 01:34 PM
    Maybe a little off topic, but could we *please* do something about the auto-play videos on these stories. Not that they're not great videos, but it's annoying as hell when you bring up this page a few times a day...:mad:


    co ed sungmin. Co-Ed#39;s Choi SungMin
  • Co-Ed#39;s Choi SungMin

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Jun 14, 05:22 PM
    Funny you should say that, because the company that designed the original 360 (and presumably this new redesign) is also the company that designs stuff for Alienware...

    Lol, thats funny.

    I dont understand why MS would put a huge vent on top of the unit. Dust will clog the fans like crazy, and with the 360's horrid stability record i would be very nervous laying it down flat on my shelf.

    co ed sungmin. Sungmin Photos from COED
  • Sungmin Photos from COED

  • ErikGrim
    Nov 11, 02:15 AM
    Hehe. They are so identical that the Japanese Mac even looks like Justin Long :D


    co ed sungmin. Co-Ed but mostly Sungmin ^
  • Co-Ed but mostly Sungmin ^

  • kresh
    Oct 26, 07:35 PM
    hehe With 11 billion cash in the bank (half of Adobe's market cap), it would be really sweet if Apple acquired Adobe!

    Drop all Adobe apps for Windows. Force people to either convert to Mac or find an alternative.

    Ah it's just an awful, evil dream.

    Please come true :)

    co ed sungmin. Choi Sungmin of coed school by
  • Choi Sungmin of coed school by

  • Knowimagination
    Mar 7, 08:46 PM

    Why wait outdoors (Knox) when you can wait indoors (Northpark)?

    It is supposed to be a high of 70 and sunny all day friday, why wouldn't someone want to spend some time outside with that nice of weather.


    co ed sungmin. Sungmin Co.ed
  • Sungmin Co.ed

  • wizzerandchips
    Mar 24, 01:21 PM
    Are you people seriously applauding this? What a waste of our tax dollars!! I do contracts with the Navy every single day and I know that the technology that they have will not be benefited by the use of iPad/iPod/iPhone. The military does not offer wi-fi to their staff on base. Everything is hard wired and the conduit is sealed with a tamper proof silicon. The Government is very very particular about their SIPRnet (as they call it). Without wi-fi, what use is the iPad for the military other than to give them a little treat and waste our tax dollars? They already have mobile equipment in the vehicles that is far superior to Apple's products.

    I dunno, maybe they wanna hone there skills by playing cod4 on an ipad on a rest day!

    co ed sungmin. Sung Min
  • Sung Min

  • RoboCop001
    Oct 6, 10:22 AM
    Ok... do people actually make money sitting around going "I think company X is going to release product Y soon." or is there more to it than that?

    Because if that's all they do....................... then I predict MURDEROUS RAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGEEEEEE


    co ed sungmin. Choi Sung Min 최성민 Co-Ed
  • Choi Sung Min 최성민 Co-Ed

  • Hastings101
    Apr 25, 02:42 PM
    Too early to quit dvd altogether:confused:

    If its up to me to should throw that medium into the wastebin asap.

    Nooo thanks, DVDs are still very very useful.

    co ed sungmin. [picture] Choi Sungmin
  • [picture] Choi Sungmin

  • DeSnousa
    Apr 24, 05:14 PM
    Sometimes the project has difficulties in sending the WUs, it will come in time :)


    co ed sungmin. Education: Hyundai High School
  • Education: Hyundai High School

  • Gatorman
    Sep 13, 11:20 PM
    Originally posted by big
    the double post is appreciated, that was the first time I have chuckled all day....

    That's a little scary if you ask me. A little Big Brother-ish? Or how about something out of Robert Ludlum's Promethus Deception. Tell me that isn't about Bill Gates.:D

    co ed sungmin. Sungmin [ 성민 ] ★
  • Sungmin [ 성민 ] ★

  • GekkePrutser
    Apr 21, 08:34 AM
    In regards to the original question: I'm buying one as soon as it gets Sandy Bridge (as long as the 11" gets at least the 2537M and not the Celeron ULV that intel also makes).

    Backlit keyboard would also be super but it's not a dealbreaker for me. I'll only use it for programming, communication and business apps so I don't care what GPU it has, but I could use the extra CPU power for VMWare. I also want it more futureproofed than the current model, I tend to hang on to my stuff for a long time (check my sig ;) )

    Built-in 3G would also be an option that I would pay a lot of money for if it were offered.


    co ed sungmin. sungmin
  • sungmin

  • OreoCookie
    Mar 29, 06:57 AM
    I'll say it again. You are incorrect.
    robbieduncan is right-on with his explanation, you're making incorrect claims: focal lengths are independent of the size of the sensor, a 50 mm lens will be a 50 mm lens on a medium format body, a full frame analog body or an APS-C-sized dslr. What changes is the field of view, which is an angle. It is this angle which is different on the above-mentioned cameras. The reason why people write something to the effect `a 50 mm lens on a crop body is equivalent to 75~80 mm lens on a full frame body' is that we've gotten used to associating focal lengths on 35 mm bodies to FOVs. Sort of like Americans got used to measuring distances in miles rather than kilometers.

    co ed sungmin. sungmin coed
  • sungmin coed

  • Analog Kid
    Nov 22, 10:50 AM
    Hold up! 9% is and Ideal Carnot Engine efficiency. Real World efficiecny would be about 1/5. So, at most you are going to get 1.8W and thats if the fans dissipate 100W of heat which is ridiculously high number. I would see it around 20W, meaning your recycled energy would be .37W. What can you do with that? Oh right power partially a fan.
    Sorry, where is this other .2 multiplier coming from? The scenario given was 9% conversion efficiency which would be 50% of the the ideal heat engine efficiency of 18% conversion efficiency.


    co ed sungmin. 100911-choi-sungmin-co-ed-
  • 100911-choi-sungmin-co-ed-

  • hagjohn
    Apr 20, 01:18 PM
    Is it me or is Apple becoming a silly caricature of its own 1984 ad?

    It's not just you.

    co ed sungmin. Co Ed Sungmin. Sungmin baby/childhood; Sungmin baby/childhood. bigrobb. Feb 7, 04:10 PM. I changed mine again
  • Co Ed Sungmin. Sungmin baby/childhood; Sungmin baby/childhood. bigrobb. Feb 7, 04:10 PM. I changed mine again

  • MacCoaster
    Sep 20, 05:50 PM
    Originally posted by dricci
    P4s can't go Dual. It's sorta like the G3, it's just not designed to do that. It wouldn't work.
    That is what the Pentium 4 XEON is for. So yes, P4s can go dual, in the Xeon configuration.

    Edit: Hell, it can do 4-way or more. Quad G4 Macs? In your dreams...

    co ed sungmin. Sung-Min
  • Sung-Min

  • Deimo
    Nov 2, 03:30 PM
    The important pieces to note about the marketshare is that this definitely is coming from switchers, not from upgraders. If you look at the data, you will see that it's broken up between MacOS and MacIntel. The data for MacOS is just PPC people, and that actually remained constant throughout the year:

    while the marketshare for MacIntel has been a nice parabolic curve:

    for full information go here:

    Sep 14, 09:21 PM
    Yeah, I get to have my wisdom teeth out next Thursday, so it's anesthesia for me too!

    Where do you people live that you get general anesthesia for wisdom teeth? I had all four of mine removed at the same time, and had to make do with 12 (4 by each tooth) shots of Novocain (local anesthetic) !!!! Then I got to listen as the dentist crunched the one that was coming in sideways and recessed so he could suction out the little pieces.

    Apr 25, 12:30 PM
    I'm expecting both a retail DVD release as well as a downloadable release. I'll personally be getting the DVD for easier install on multiple machines.

    Oct 27, 07:28 AM
    windows XP, IE6

    it loads the webmail interface but i can't click on anything. that means the links are recognized by the cursor but nothing happens. it says error in page. so no webmail for me anymore. $99 for that? i want my old webmail back!

    Mar 30, 08:33 AM
    $3.52 this morning.

    Sep 22, 02:42 PM
    Originally posted by P-Worm
    Isn't it amazing that no matter what the topic of a thread is about it always seems to degrade into people getting mad at how expensive a Macintosh is? Not to change the subjedt or anything...Carry on.


    Continuing this brief diversion...

    I've seen no attempt to quantitively factor quality into all these price comparisions that get thrown around. The build quality on my shiny doors is better than the build quality on any PC I've personally seen since a really nice Intel (yes, Intel) built PC from about '93.

    If there's a desire to compare simply on price, then you might as well use a random number generator - it's too much Apple and Oranges.

    I remember the storm caused a few years ago when a number of the UK PC manufacturers admitted that a 5% - 10% failure rate was the rates they operated on. I've just witnessed 3 motherboards out of about 15 go "phut" at work - due to design defects rather than going out of warranty as well. So should I conclude that they're good value for money because they are cheaper?

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